Chin Implant
Chin Implants
Chin implants, often coupled with rhinoplasty, create a stronger, more defined jaw line while providing harmony and balance in the features of the face.
What to Expect with Chin Implants
You and Dr. Finn will discuss your goals for surgery using state of the art 3D imaging, which allows patients to see their face with added volume and dimension in the chin or cheek areas. This is a great opportunity to convey surgical desires to Dr. Finn, and he is able to show you how the implant will create balance in your features. This procedure can be done under local anesthesia or IV-sedation with local anesthesia. A small incision is made under the chin or inside the lip. A few sutures will be placed and will be removed five days post surgery. You may need to wear a chin strap for a day or two to keep pressure on the site. Swelling will be present and will be at its worst 48-72 hours after your procedure. After that, most will be gone at two to three weeks and will slowly decrease for the next couple months.
Deciding to Schedule
You will receive a surgical quote and any clearance forms required at your consultation. Should you decide to proceed, we will connect you with our patient care coordinator, Shannon Jones. To finalize your preferred surgical date, a non-refundable, non-transferrable booking fee will be required upon scheduling. Once the surgery date is set, we schedule a pre-operative appointment two weeks prior to surgery.
At your pre-op, you will have ample time to discuss your upcoming procedure in great detail and have all your questions answered. You will bring the required clearance forms to this visit unless we have already received them. We will review all pre- and post-operative care, prescribed medications and any provisions we may give you for use pre- and post-surgery. You will review and sign the consent for surgery and the balance will be due at the conclusion of this appointment.
What to Avoid Before Surgery
It is vitally important to avoid all blood thinning medications/supplements for 2 weeks prior to surgery. This includes any aspirin or aspirin-containing products as well as any anti-inflammatories such as ibuprofen or naproxen (including Motrin, Aleve and Advil). It is generally fine to be take Tylenol (Acetaminophen). Avoid supplements such as Vitamin E including multi vitamins, omega 3 fatty acids such as fish oil and flax seed oil. You will be given a complete list of medications/supplements to avoid at your pre op. All these medications can contribute to bleeding problems following surgery and can increase the amount of bruising.
What Can I Do to Speed Up My Recovery Time?
We want you back to your normal routine as quickly as possible so in addition to avoiding blood thinners we provide our surgical patients with a supply of Arnica Montana and Vitamin K cream which are both clinically proven to help reduce bruising and swelling. Vitamin K cream applied to your skin two weeks before surgery tends to reduce bruising. Arnica Montana is a homeopathic herb that helps to reduce swelling and bruising. We also have a laser called the V Beam Perfecta that is amazing at speeding up stubborn bruising! It targets the pigment in the bruise causing it to break up and dissipate much faster than it could by itself. We encourage surgery patients to take advantage of this laser treatment at no charge and it can be done as often as you want while the bruising is still present. We will also go over surgery specific tips at your pre op that can help speed up the down time!